Replacement Universal Boom Lift Hydraulic Cylinder for Kubota V0611-73100


The Replacement Universal Boom Lift Hydraulic Cylinder for Kubota V0611-73100 falls under several categories, namely Double-Acting Welded Rod Hydraulic Cylinders, Kubota, Replacement Welded Rod Hydraulic Cylinders, and Welded Cylinders. It’s manufactured by Kubota Hydraulic Cylinders, and compatible with several Kubota models, including Kubota SVL90, Kubota SVL90-2, Kubota SVL90-2C, Kubota SVL90C, Kubota SVL95-2S, and Kubota SVL95-2SC. This hydraulic cylinder is primarily used for the boom arm lift function in skid steer or compact track loaders.

This replacement hydraulic cylinder, with SKU 1332820884, is a robust, reliable, and highly efficient component designed specifically for the demanding conditions of skid steer and compact track loaders. Weighing 80 lbs, it’s a heavyweight component, signifying its robust build. The cylinder has a bore size of 3 inches, a rod size of 1.75 inches, and a stroke length of 30.5 inches, which means it can handle heavy lifting requirements with ease. The maintenance and upkeep of this hydraulic cylinder are straightforward. Regular inspection for any signs of wear and tear, and timely replacement of seals and fluids can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of this cylinder.

At Shaoxing Pengxin, we strive to provide our customers with top-notch hydraulic cylinders, like the Replacement Universal Boom Lift Hydraulic Cylinder for Kubota V0611-73100. Our products are designed to deliver superior performance, durability, and value for money. We encourage you to explore this exceptional product, and assure you that investing in it will significantly enhance the operational efficiency of your machinery. Why wait? Make your purchase today and experience the Shaoxing Pengxin difference!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the weight of the Replacement Universal Boom Lift Hydraulic Cylinder for Kubota V0611-73100?
    The cylinder weighs 80 lbs.
  2. What models is this hydraulic cylinder compatible with?
    The cylinder is compatible with several Kubota models, including Kubota SVL90, Kubota SVL90-2, Kubota SVL90-2C, Kubota SVL90C, Kubota SVL95-2S, and Kubota SVL95-2SC.
  3. What is the main function of this hydraulic cylinder?
    The Replacement Universal Boom Lift Hydraulic Cylinder for Kubota V0611-73100 is primarily used for the boom arm lift function in skid steer or compact track loaders.